10 Perfect Burpees

My workout today: 

(snapchat always makes me look so much cuter than I really do at the gym!)

I hate burpees.  

I mean, like, super hate.

But supposedly they are really good for you, so I do them.  
And I try not to have a bad attitude about it.  ;-)  

And since I started working out in September I have been kinda just half-assing them, 
to be honest.  But today I decided to see if I could actually do them properly on my last round of my workout.  AND I DID.  I did 10 burpees as properly as I could.
It's a reward for all my hard work.  I know I haven't been as consistent as I would like to be.  No one to blame but myself for that.  And yet my body blesses me and rewards my hard work by becoming stronger and healthier and more tireless.  It has given me more stamina and tenacity.  My body is rewarding me even though I haven't been perfect for it. Amazing.  

I need to treat my body better.
It likes the gym.
It likes healthy food.
It likes to stretch and move.
It doesn't like sugar and processed foods.
It doesn't like being sitting on the couch for long periods.

I need to reward it for serving me so well.
I'm grateful.


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